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The objective of the current study was to explore the estimated prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in China. We conducted a meta-analysis that used the data from 36 articles. A total of 125 independent samples and 131,734 participants were included. The results revealed no significant difference in the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse between Chinese men (9.1%) and women (8.9%). The prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in studies from mainland areas was significantly higher than that from Hong Kong/Taiwan. The estimated prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in China also differed according to the definition of child sexual abuse, data collection method, year of data collection, and the mean age of participants at the time of assessment.  相似文献   
This scoping review followed Cochrane guidelines to comprehensively assess the use and understanding of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Chinese social science literature. We conducted a research across three electronic databases and three major social science journals for the studies published between 2004 and 2016. Chinese social work literature demonstrates a precise understanding of EBP defined as a process, but it lacks comprehensive discussions about EBP that extend beyond basic principles and process definitions. We identified language barriers and developmental issues for social work in China that contribute to these incomplete discussions. We examined the importance of broadening and enriching the discussions around EBP, especially for Chinese educators, researchers, and clinicians involved with empirically supported treatments. We also consider the implications of our findings for the development of social work in China.  相似文献   
从空缺理论的角度,分析形成文化空缺的根源,并从完全空缺、冲突空缺、部分空缺和零空缺四个方面对英汉数字的文 化内涵进行比较研究。每个承载着强烈文化信息的数字在不同文化中都是独一无二的,对数字文化蕴涵的异同性的探究加深 了对英汉文化的理解,有助于感知文化的多样性和差异性,消除跨文化交际中的误解,促进中西方文化交流。  相似文献   
华文夏令营通过提供文化知识和中国阅历来影响和增强华裔新生代的中华文化认识、认知、认同,从而增强其与中国的向心力和凝聚力,并能够在世界舆论场中对所在国受众更好地讲述中国故事。华文夏令营在实际运作中的确起到了增强华裔新生代中华文化认同的作用。因此,应该正视夏令营举办中的不足,总结经验,改进创办模式,通过运用新媒体和新技术手段保持与华裔新生代的长期联系,巩固华裔新生代对中华文化的认同。  相似文献   

Theorization of cultural and political issues of Northeast of India often creates a disengagement from the actual cultural performances produced in the region. This unique geo-cultural place is sometimes homogenized. In actuality, it is the home of diverse socio-cultural practices and performances. In the context of globalization, deforestation, Christianization, other internal clashes and external influences, material bodies, here, are continuously being rewritten in socio-cultural sphere. Non-representational theory considers poetry as an effective mode of exhibiting the virtual multiplicity of the nonrepresentational world. This paper will focus on exploring the corpus of Northeast Indian English poetry that focuses on social practices and bodily experiences to interpret the entire cultural flow of everyday life. As Non-representational Theory positions ‘affect’ as a central issue to individual and collective disposition in constituting the affective political discourse, this paper will also indicate some political imperatives by advancing a politics of hope in the realm of socio-political sphere.  相似文献   
在中国智库朝气蓬勃发展的大背景下,构建具有中国特色的科学合理的智库评价体系,有助于引导各类智库切实深化体制机制改革、完善智库内部治理、推动智库提质增效,进而形成内外兼修健全发展的中国智库生态圈,以高质量的智库产品助推国家治理体系和治理能力现代化建设。笔者通过梳理国内外智库评价实践动态与学术研究现状,归纳总结我国智库评价工作存在的现实问题及其成因,并指出它们可能给中国特色新型智库建设带来的影响。由此建议:我国应基于中国经验、中国国情及智库发展建设的实际情况,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以时代背景为依托,构建中国特色智库评价体系,促进我国智库体系的整体发展。  相似文献   
文章以中国民营企业家为研究对象,采用跨案例分析法探讨企业家伦理领导行为的内涵结构及特征,并在此基础上开发具有中国情境特点的民营企业家伦理领导行为量表。研究结果显示:受中国儒家伦理文化影响,中国民营企业家伦理领导行为包括"德性修养""集体动机"和"天下情怀"三个维度;企业家的伦理领导行为表现为"修己安人"的关系内涵,企业家自身不仅践行着较高的伦理道德标准,且将之扩展至对员工、组织行为的引导和规范;本研究开发的中国民营企业家伦理领导行为量表具有良好的信度和效度。文章丰富了西方伦理型领导理论和高阶理论研究,对中国本土企业家如何提高领导力有着重要启示。  相似文献   
冯盈霖 《民族学刊》2021,12(11):95-104, 132
疍家是汉族的一个支系,他们依水而生,以船为家,与海水浪花相伴,浮沉于江海之上。疍家舞蹈以海水浪花的舞蹈形态、流动性的舞台调度、疍歌的曲调、精心的舞美设计,营造疍家以海为伴的生活环境,使舞蹈在悠扬婉转的乐曲中呈现出诗情画意的意境美,似一幅水上卷轴,勾画出疍家壮美开阔的人文文化,表现其以水为生、壮美开阔的海洋文化特质;以摇橹、划船、戏浪、织网、耕海等生活动作为基础,结合富有地域性和民族性特征的舞蹈道具,如竹编斗笠、长篙、梭子、槟榔等,展现疍家朴实无华、摇曳荡漾的海洋文化元素;以具有象征性的跪拜、磕头、合掌等动作元素为基础,以表意性的腾跃、双飞燕、虎跳等装饰性技巧动作为连接,展现祭拜祈福和与海难搏斗的舞段,表达疍家人海和谐、能拼会赢的海洋文化精神。  相似文献   
根据第五次中央民族工作会议的指导精神,中华民族共同体的法治建设与铸牢中华民族共同体意识是交叉同构的, 需在习近平法治思想和马克思主义多民族国家建设理论的基础上,探析铸牢中华民族共同体意识的法治实践路径。 第一,可 建设权利本位与义务本位相协调的中华民族法制共同体。 第二,应以党的领导为统领推进民族事务治理法治化。 第三,需以 立法、执法、司法为统筹全面深化法治实践。 第四,可通过法治教育为媒介巩固共有法治精神家园。 总之,法制共同体是中华 民族为人类历史转向所优化的现代法治范式,法治为铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供了制度实践基础,彰显了依法治国背景下 “德法共治”的平衡。  相似文献   
民族记忆既是传承民族文化基因的载体,也是彰显民族文化基因的重要文化表征。民族记忆作为延续民族历史和文化基因的内在根基,通过传承民族历史文化、建构民族身份、塑造民族形象等形式传承和彰显民族文化基因的内在特征。以瑶族为代表的少数民族文化基因是中华民族文化基因的重要组成部分,深入挖掘瑶族民族记忆中蕴含的“中华民族共同体”文化基因,并阐释其内在的价值与意义,对培育和铸牢我国各民族的“中华民族共同体”意识有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
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